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What to Pack While Heading For Gorilla Trekking? You must pack essential things for your safety in the jungle and a peaceful trekking experience. We bring you important things that you must include on your packing list, all which make your trekking experience a walk away despite its strenuous nature. These things include hiking boots, gardening gloves, hats, sunglasses, drinking water, walking sticks and energy giving snacks.  These things help trekkers in one way or the other hence ensuring a successful and memorable trekking experience. BOOK NOW
What Do I Need to Pack While Heading For Gorilla Trekking safari

What to Pack While Heading For Gorilla Trekking?

The hiking boots help to easily walk in muddy and slippery grounds, the gardening gloves protect against thorny bushes and stinging nettles. Similarly, a long sleeved shirt and long pants, which prevent hurt and bites by ground insects.  Due to the unpredictable weather conditions in the forest, rain jackets and sweaters are highly recommended in case of rain showers. Sunglasses and hut are more so required for protection against direct sun and droplets. Walking sticks are also helpful as they provide support in case of falling.

Carry a packed lunch and plenty of drinking water.

The weather can be unpredictable so carry rain gear, sunscreen lotion and a hat.

Wear or pack insect repellent.

Bring binoculars – or hire a pair from the Uganda Wildlife Authority office in the park.

Bring spare batteries and an extra memory card for your digital camera. Using your camera flashlight is not permitted. If you are photographing using film, we recommend using 400-800 ASA film.

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